(Don't you just love when you can make your child pose for your blog?)
Well, Dear Readers, I have been mulling over the idea of maturing the layout of my blog for awhile now. When I started blogging a year and a half ago, I was basically computer illiterate. I started this blog to record some of the different ways I recycle, reuse, and make do. I also wanted a venue to record my projects and self challenges (to keep myself on task, so to speak), and a place to put down my thoughts and personality. It has been a slow work in progress, but a very rewarding one.
I never in a bazillion years, thought I would end up having so many great followers and readers! I consider you all Fabulous Friends, and I ADORE when you all leave comments! Your comments make my day! So, I am asking for your opinions!!! I want to continue to make this blog a place you want to stop by, visit, and MAYBE glean some useful information. Here are my questions:
- Do you like the new layout? Is it to "Red"? Would you prefer something a little more subdued?
- What topics, thoughts,recipes, or ideas would you like me to blog about?
- Would you be up to joining me in a frugal challenge or two?
P.S. I have set a little goal to hit 100+ followers by my birthday (which just happens to be July 7th). If you enjoy your visits here at Tightwad Mom's Frugal Forum, please consider becoming a Follower (and boost my self esteem a little bit)! Thank you, you are all the best readers any blogger could ask for!